Specialized SS24

Girona, 2023
Motion, Production

Hosting productions at home is always a pleasure. At the back end of 2023, we were approached by the Specialized team from Morgan Hill to provide full production services for 12 days of shooting in our own backyard – 9 days in Barna, 6 days in and around Gironae. This film for the Prospero 4 and Torch 3.0 is a small snippet of the extensive motion assets created for the Specialized Road SS24 Campaign.

Client Specialized
Executive Producer Nik Howe
Cinematographer Alex de Cortada
Editor Tony Choy Sutton
Colorist Alex de Cortada
Leader Global Marketing Ben Edwards
Creative Director Pete Panciera
Art Director Walton Brush
Photographer Jojo Harper
Talent Jack Thompson; Juliette Landon;
Laura Figueras; Calvin Smith
Project Manager Sarah Veazey
Producer Nicole Moerig
Production Company Kin Studio


Canyon CFR Helmet


Fabio Quartararo x Monster Energy